letters to prisoners

Prisons are supposed to isolate and break the inmates. Thus our solidarity across the walls and fences is vital. A simple and important action is to write prisoners a letter. Here some hints on how to do that as well as adresses of prisoners in the Southwest  and beyond.

How do I write prisoners?

There ist also a short article by NYC ABC available here.


Die Sache mit der Absender*in:

Wenn ihr eure eigene Adresse nicht angeben wollt, könnt ihr die Adresse des Briefe-an-Gefangene-Schreiben in der KTS in Freiburg i.B. nutzen. Das geht so:

1. Pseudonym überlegen und als Absender_in schreiben
*euer pseudonym*
c/o Infoladen,KTS
Baslerstr. 103
79100 Freiburg

2. Persönlich beim monatlichen Briefe-Schreiben in der KTS oder per Email (am besten verschlüsselt) euer Pseudonym und euren Kontakt geben:

Email: briefeschreibenfreiburg[at]riseup[punkt]net
PGP-Fingerprint: 71C9 EF7A D7F5 2B15 1F49 E792 3EFA DFFE C9D1 8921

3. Wenn eine Antwort kommt, geben sie euch Bescheid.


In Basel gibt es das Black Pigeon Kollektiv das eine Adresse hat:

Dein Pseudonym
c/o Infoladen Magazin
Inselstrasse 79
4057 Basel

Anleitung des Black Pigeons Kollektiv zum Briefe Schreiben hier.


Prisoners in the Southwest

Thomas Meyer-Falk

born in 1971, i have been imprisoned since 1996. at first i was kept in isolation in stammheim, then i was kept in straubing for a short time under slightly better conditions. since september 1998 i have been in isolation in bruchsal. i am a so-called "red skin"/rash = red & anarchist skinheads.

i was sentenced for a bank robbery by means of which it was planned to organize money for political projects. in two additional court cases i was sentenced for insult, intimidation, and the threatening of judges and public prosecutors. the expression "perfect example of a fascist-like judge" by itself was worth 7 months of imprisonment (§ 185 stgb - insult; sentence: monetary fine or fine up to one year of imprisonment).

 because of all this i have to spend 15 years, 9 months and three weeks in prison. due to my alleged dangerousness (during the trial i had offensively pleaded my cause instead of giving in and "regretting") i shall be kept under arrest ("sicherungsverwahrung") afterwards.

Thomas Meyer-Falk
JVA (SV-Abtlg.)
Hermann-Herder-Str. 8
79104 Freiburg


More prisoners to write letters to